Originally this file was supposed to be named the golden cage, But I though rather than to do a male chastity I’ll do an all gender chastity so yes !!! this file can work on male and female alike, Within this file I guide you into a erotic encounter with the partenair of your dream who prepared you a surprise but it is often said that you should be careful about what you are asking for, This file will make you unable to cum without a Dominant of your choice permission, command or order, As a golden chastity device is placed on your genitallia, creating a magnetic field equal to your arousal, in clear the stronger your arousal, the most repulsed is your hand from your genitallia (Use a stereo headphone as always, As I’ve recieved some comment from some friends telling my accent was harder to understand with the echo present in my other files, I descided to not add any echo to this one)

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