Gynoid Micro Chip

(Warning : This file can have permanent effect on repeated listening) This file is a hypno fantasy leaving two triggers a trance trigger firstly placed within the file and used as deepener, The second trigger is a command one that turn any command or suggestion from someone you trust as part of who you are, The file contain a heavy subliminal programming which is going to reinforce the suggestion present in the file, This file is one of my most droney one, It’ll push you to the obedience in addition to the constant research of knowledges and self improving, Use at your own risk.

The Mind Cage

Today, I brings you into my office with me for a special appointment, This video will place you the trigger “Mind Cage” Which if used by someone you trust and for as long as in safe and secure, Will trap your mind away into a cage, Conscious yet and able to see your body obeying any commands like a puppet tugs by a strings (sorry for the quality of the video, Use a stereo headphone)

The Brainwasher

This file is a video to watch in full screen and in a loop with stereo headphone, It will increase your general submission, Your desire to submit and even will create a very strong arousal when you finally submit, If I had to shorten the description of it, It will turn you in the dream slave of any dominant. (warning : Contain heavy subliminal, Conditioning loop and flashing images, If you are epileptic, Do not watch this video)

Drone Like Me

This is a conditioning and hypnosis file. Listen to it with stereo headphones. Listen between 2 and 3 times looped for the best effect.

This file will literally turn you into a drone. It’s probably one of my files that contains the most subliminal messages.

Includes: Personal Growth, Improved Memory, Improved Health and Much More!

Be warned, if this isn’t what you want do not listen to it!