Mechanically Mine

Around 3-4 years ago, An hypno abuser of the name Jessilov001 was using some of my files and by usurping my identity, Some of my triggers on other people, After one of her victim found me on irc and related me what happened, I’ve told to myself some of my files could be dangerous and so I created what was my most powerful file but did it as an easter egg only myself and my pets were aware of, You will be mine and Mechanical Mind splited weren’t doing more than what is described, But they has been made as one file, A powerful brainwashing that I’ve descided to release today, So today, I offer you Mechanically Mine.

Upgrade Your Programing

For one time, something new!

This file isn’t erotic hypnosis. And while the name sounds drone-ish I admit, it’s mostly because, as you’ve probably noticed, I do love drone stuff.

But this file could have been named “Improve Yourself,” because that is what it is about. It’ll push you to eat more healthy, to do more exercises, to avoid the toxicity of things like cigs and alcohol, to learn a new thing every day, and forbid you from procrastinating.

Hope you will enjoy 🙂

The Neko Bar

In this file, I’m going to turn you into a Neko Maid.

And what is a better way to do that than to place the easiest trigger that comes to mind: a simple glass of milk.

That’s right, after listening to this file, drinking a glass of milk will turn you into a playful and obedient servicing Neko Maid.

Wear stereo headphones and enjoy!

The Doll Mask

Today a little doll conditioning which will place the fact to have your face hide as a trigger, Whenever you’ll hide your face, scarf, mask, hood, whatever, you’ll suddenly be turned into a mindless doll, Llisten to it in a loop and with a stereo headphone

Obedience Is No Duty

This file is made especially for the website YouMustObey.Com I would strongly recommend you to visit the website or read a bit about it before listening to this file, The part that you hear is just the surface of the file, a heavy subliminal messages are pulsed in background, Listen to it in a loop with a stereo headphone, You can listen to it whenever doing other things but I wouldn’t recommend it while driving or operating heavy machinery

Ultimate Slave Silent Training

This file like the name says is rather silent at the inverted way of some of my other files very noisy 😉 but I’m sure by now you should know that I’m an expert of the subliminal and it is what this file is, A subliminal training that will turn the words “Good Slave” In a wonderful arousal and trance trigger at the same time, In addition of increasing your general obedience 🙂 The file don’t contain any suggestion of obedience to me (Wear a stereo headphone, Heavy binaural and subliminal suggestion) Set the video in full screen and loop it at least 5 times for best effect 🙂