Second Life

If you wish to find me in second life, You may do so by joining my drone factory What do I do in second life? Hypnosis and dance event, My sim also contain many hypnosis machine, RLV Machine and the like, I do happen to do group voice session in there, Just for that 😉 I would believe it is a good reason to join me there, Wait? You’re not convinced? What if I tell you that I may make you live an experience you never had so far? Oh !! I see I got your interest !! Welcome in my dreamland 😉

Birth From My Eggs

In this file, I change you in my dragon child. Yes, because maybe you know Mistress Dolly is a kitty, I’m a dragoness.

So listen to this file, and become my obedient dragon child.

This file doesn’t contain any regression suggestions. It is mostly a dragon transformation and obedience to me.

The only innocent thing inside this file is a lullaby used to help you relax.

Use stereo headphones!

I Haven’t Asked This!!!

Like the title says, this file is a deprogram file. It will help you to get rid off all unwanted suggestions in your mind.

The original script is from Miss Tira (so yes one of my other personas). As she doesn’t speak, she has insisted on me recording it, and you cannot say no to someone living into your head or they become annoying XD

Still it is a very good script which I think may help you.

Use stereo headphones and enjoy!

Curse Breast Orgasm And Breast Grow

today i present you probably my better file , more stronger than my bimbo curse so for who know me , you can be sure of the power of this one , i make you have a breast orgasm but it’s not all , the most important is how quick your breast can grow with this file , if you trust me , wear your stereo headphone and prepare you to have a real feminine breast more quick than all you can imagine (TAKE CARE THIS FILE IS ONE CURSE ;THE EFFECT ARE PERMANENT AND CREATE A REAL CHANGE)