today i’m giving you both file in one , this file is the second part of “The Kiss Of The Vampire’s Lady” so why am i telling you both in one ? because for those who haven’t listened the first file , this file will remain a simple fantasy , erotic where the vampire lady kidnape you and make you prisonner of her dunjeon where she abuse of your body , for those who listened the first part , the file will has another effect , it will make you more submissive to me , you are advice , meet or for the first time the lady vampire , or for the second , but dont forget , it is not only of your blood that she will feed herself (use a stereo headphone)
This file will make you very submissive to every woman. You will find a lot of pleasure in submitting to them. It will also place the trigger “The Kiss Of The Vampire’s Lady” which will be able to be used only by me, and will change you in a horny mindless zombie.
Meet the vampire’s lady in this file. Let her take the control of your thoughts, and feed herself with your blood. You will, I’m sure, find how easy it is to submit to her.
Wear your stereo headphones and enjoy!
This file is a full subliminal one.
If you listen to it , don’t worry if you don’t hear me clearly. I have tried it only one minute and I can tell you how much it works XD
And lucky I don’t want to be a bimbo because it is what this file will do when it’s listened to in a loop.
Wear your stereo headphones, become girly, feminine, dumb, and brainless with the desire to giggle. Of course you’ll get to be very slutty and horny as well!
(This files is very powerful and after having tried it in myself I can tell, so don’t listen to it if that’s not what you want.)
From French To Enlgish And From English To French Description: {french to english} se fichier a pour but de vous aidez a progresser en anglais bien plus rapidement que vous ne pourriez l imaginer , liminal et subliminal y sont incorporé , le subliminal et utiliser depuis des année par les agence gouvernemental pour apprendre différent langage plus rapidement a leur espion , aujourd’hui , aprend l’anglais comme un espion {english to french} this file has for goal to helping you to learn or improve your french more faster than you would ever imagine , liminal and subliminal are used into this file , the subliminal is used since many years by few gouvenemental agency for learning different language to their spy , today learn the french like a spy
Have you ever dreamed to find a hypnotist who’s voice will literally push you into trance in almost a second?
In this file I make you remember a better moment of your life, because all hypnotists will tell you someone happy is someone open. Then as you are thinking of this better moment I will make you drop deep into the deepest level of your mind where you surrender to my voice, listen to me, and accept that my voice is your best trance trigger. Because yes, that is what this file does. It will make you extremely submissive to the sound of my voice to the point that a simple word from me, anything I can say, will bring you back into trance as long as you’re safe and secure.
This file will permit you to fully enjoy all of my other files. As my voice will become your trance trigger, your curse, you will I’m sure find a lot of pleasure and give up all resistance, and you’ll just fall for me (use stereo headphones).
I introduce myself as Miss Eleanor, sharing my body with Mistress Dolly.
I was thinking it will be good to show you the difference between both our work, so today I let you listen to this file and enjoy it.
But take care, it will place a powerful trigger within you the desire to serve me. You have been WARNED.
Wear stereo headphones and listen to this in a loop!
In this file I guide you to the edge with a pleasurable story, but when you are on the edge you will be unable to cum until someone allows it. You will not have the power to orgasm by yourself anymore, but enjoy the pleasure of submitting to another.
Enjoy the pleasure of needing the permission of the other person to be able to sum.
Use stereo headphones!
This file is for the person who wants to move more quickly into their feminization. It will create a feminine subconscious, then help and guide you into it. It will let you know how your makeup is, how your clothes are and about your haircut.
This girl will take an important place into your mind forever. She will able to protect you as the same way as she will guide you to being a better, cute, wonderful and feminine woman.
This file is designed to be permanent. Be sure you to want it before listening to it.
Use stereo headphones!
I did this file with Tira help. So we kinda worked together to give you the best best of that file. MissTira yeah ^/////^ MissEleanor used her voice which i prefer as mine and we did a good work , the file will maintain you aroused and push you to aroused other , it kinda place a succubus mindset ^//////^
This file was originally a much shorter loop. I extended it to loop three times so you won’t have to restart as often. Like the tittle says, this file was made with the goal to make you a lot more suggestible to all kinds of hypnosis.
Take care, as with all of my files, it is very addictive.