After noticing how much the kiss of the mermaid has been enjoyed and how many people loved the idea to have their legs stuck together like a mermaid tail for one hour. I drive you today into another induced hypnotic adventure while within a factory you’ll be turned into a rubber doll, This file is also the second of my file after Mechanical Mind into which I use my own moans to increase your arousal *Laugh* Once the adventure ending, You’ll be simply unable to move at all, Even a single finger and this while a whole hour. `Listen to it with stereo headphone
In this one a full induction is made but also I’ll teach you also a little secret of hypnotherapist that not a lot of people knows about.
For those who doesn’t know of the manga of the same name, This file will turn you into a woman every time you’ll enter in contact of a cold water, and in a man every time you enter in contact with a hot water and so can be used by the both genders. After listening to this file, I’m sure you’ll take the habit to never going outdoor without your umbrella *Smile* [Use a stereo headphone}
This file has for goal to first turn you into a slave but also to teach you how to enjoy it {Watch it in a full screen and with a stereo headphone, Looping the file will reinforce its effect}
In this file I turn you in a human cow or Hucow for shortening it, You will remain as such for as long as in safe and secure [Warning!!!: A repeating listening of this file may cause a breasts enhancement] Listen to it with a stereo headphone.
For those who wish to become a robot, Become mechanical by listening and watching to this in full screen and at least 3-5 loop. {Use a stereo headphone}
This file is the result of the contest made on youtube a week ago, The winner is Gina Vizavi So this file will firstly increase your breast size, but will also turn you in a bras addict, I hope you all enjoy [Use a stereo headphone, the file doesn’t contain any awakeners and can be listened like any normal trance or be looped while you do other things]
This file will turn you into different rubber pet depending of how your mind will visualize it, for as long as it has a pointy ears and a tail, then you can become this type of pet, the gender isn’t specified and can so be listened by male and female The file will effect you for only as long as in safe and secure, As always, use a stereo headphone
This file is a little game of resistance that I’ve made with some people on Discord, and recorded for the fun of everyone.
I also added some binurals and subliminals, so yes, this file is pretty much intended to trance you by using your resistance to trance.
The more you are resistant, the deeper you’ll fall.
An hypno fantasy which will end by you being trapped for one hour as a golden statue, You should have known that the cupidity wouldn’t be rewarded, Or is it? Discover it by yourself by trying to get closer of “The Golden Fountain”