Conscious And Subconscious Tasks

Before to describe this file, I have to describe its meaning and the beautiful adventure behind it, 4 years ago, I’ve met a girl who was fantastic, Fun, Full of life and humor who wanted to be mine, Which I accepted due how well we were getting along, The problem is, None of what I could try was having any result beside a very light trance, Sometimes none at all, While this 4 years under me, She never gave up nor did I and we tried induction after induction, Walk after walk, And today, We made it, This file is the edited version of the live session I’ve done with her, She finally felt into a deep trance And I’m so proud of her !!! She will reconize herself in reading this but probably will remain anonymous to you all, (Use a stereo headphone, the file doesn’t contain any awakener and so can be used with any other of my files, This is literally just the induction part without suggestion)

Programing Alpha Omega

This file is meant to turn you into a drone but not only, in the kind of self improvement video, that one is one of my files containning the most impressive numbers of subliminal messages, I’ll recommend looping the video while lay down in bed Though, I would please you to read the warning carefully if you descide to listen to that one “WARNING : Do not listen to this file if you are suject to possible seizure, Do not listen to this file if you are pregnant, Do not listen to this file while driving or operating heavy machine, Do not listen to this file if under drugs or alcohol “This file will alter the chemical process of your brain and could have a bad result if you aren’t careful” (Please to use a stereo headphone)