Do you enjoy the uniformity? Yes? And to which level do you? How would you feel if you were to enter into a strange abandoned industry with a very poor lighting all around, the feeling to be observed before to be touched at random spot of your body which end up covered of latex every time you look into an oposite direction until you finally see them all, until you reconize yourself into them, until your motion and theirs are a mirror of each other, This file will turn you into a latex doll and build up your arousal, While 20 minutes after the file, A little fantasy will be played into your mind with the choice at the end to return to yourself or to remain as the latex doll ๐ (Use a stereo headphone and enjoy)
This file was inspired by J5st during a contest on my Discord server. You’ll live a sexual adventure within a theatre full of vampires.
As always use stereo headphones and enjoy!
We are many to take good resolution for the new year, But how many of us stick to them? For the new year, I’ll eat more healtily, I’ll stop to smoke, I’ll do more exercisesโฆโฆ. Well, This file will make you stick to them, More than that, You’ll almost move toward your new year resolution almost unconsciously, You will hear while your listening the lost echo of many unsucessfully new year resolution, But to reassure you, Your won’t ever happen to be lost in those echo from now on
Special thanks to :
Tayu : for hosting my website and being such a wonderful friend
Saryn : For helping so much with my discord server and for being such an awesome person
Beryl : For being the adorable kitty that you are
Demure : For being always here when I need you and being such an amazing friend
Ari : For being such an adorable little puppy
Unity : For having been able to deal with my bad sense of humors for so many years and being such kind hearted person
Tempest and Spiffy : For all the very hypnotic DJ set in second life
Musamichi : For your kindness, cleverness and wisdom
Chrissfunny : For being my very first pet and still being after so long
FruitOfTheDoom : For being loyal and cute over the years
HummingBird : For all the gigglefits we had this year
Mouse : For having been a friend for so long and for had made me discover discord
Nicole : For being an adorable snarky england princess
Sagnarel : For being the ever adorable geek
There are many more who would deserve me thanks them for this and for that but they will reconise themselves, And thank you to all of you who read this for continuing to enjoy my work and for supporting me
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! May the next be as excellent as was this one !!!
This file is meant to place you two self trigger “I am suggestible” And “I am resistant” This two trigger that you’ll be able to switch too at any time you’d like will permit you to become as you like the easiest hypnosis subject ever or the hardest one, permitting you to easily be hypnotized even by the worst induction ever created or to resist to the best one ever created (Use a stereo headphone, remember to use the “I’m suggestible” Only before a hypnosis session and to switch to the “I’m resistant” Once the session is done for safeties measure)
This file is the fourth part of The Hive, What it does? It improve your faculty and desire to learn at an insane level in addition to improve the amount of information you are able to remember, giving you a memory close of an eidetic one, It also reinforce the ownership to the hive, I’ll recommend looping the video 5 time for best effect in full screen and with stereo headphone
hi hi ^///^ before anything let me present myself Ima MissTira an alter personality of Elisabeth and MissEleanor ^////^ which explain my different ways to speak and induce into this file, this file will give you a choice, the choice to remain mindless for as long as you want or to sing mindlessly with a mermaid tail for as long as you want ^/////^ the file doesn’t contain any awakenner ima recommend that you lay in bed before listening to it and to use a stereo headphone ^/////^ the file doesn’t contain any awakener ^///^
This file is a halloween themed file, Do not listen too if you don’t enjoy to be scared, The file will leave you paralised as you are turned into a motionless wooden puppet, The file doesn’t contain any awakener so you will remain as such until you wake from this trance, I so recommend to use an alarm (As always use a stereo headphone)
This file is a taste based induction, one of the very rare type of induction that you can find in audio recording and while rare, it also mean many people who have the taste based memory often doesn’t fall in trance on file so I descided to do this one on the request of a friend of mine, this file will place you the trance trigger “take a sip” the trigger can only be used by someone you trust and only for as long as you are in safe and secure, as always use a stereo headphone and enjoy ๐
This file is my new take on bimbo brainwashing and it is meant to be permanent.
The file is made of 11 layers, an induction, as well was many subliminal messages, but doesn’t contain any awakener. While there is a content warning at the beginning of the file, it can still be listened to as a simple induction, in a loop, or for conditioning.
As always use stereo headphones and enjoy ๐
*** WARNING ***
This file is meant to be permanent and will turn you into a bimbo in mind and body. Do not listen to it by curiosity. Listen solely if you want the effects from it.
Happy Easter Day!!
This file will turn you into a fuckbunny. As such you’ll be unable to think to anything beside sucking and fucking for the hour that follows the awakening of the trance.
The effects of the trance will only last for one hour as long as you feel safe and secure during that time.
As always use stereo headphones and enjoy ๐